Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Classico

The countdown to the "El Classico" has begun. Some think it’s hyped whereas some say it’s the biggest game in World football. Its unlike the Champion’s League final or the Superbowl. It’s much bigger!!! It is

 one of Life’s classics. There is politics behind it, culture behind it, feelings behind it. It’s the most awaited night in Spain, a day when whole of Espana stops and watches eagerly with anticipation as the players march onto the field, heads held high, proud as hell to be a part of one of the most glorious clashes in football , “The

 El Derby”! If there’s anything that beats the popularity charts in Spain than bull’s and rodeo’s knocking head’s off people in the streets, its this! It’s a passionate night when the age old rivalries between the Catalans and the Castillan’s creep up. With each passing moment of the game you can sense the fans biting their lips, slowly crawling towards the edge of their seat as each player battles his way out on the pitch, giving his best to snatch what might seemingly be just three points. But believe me, it’s worth a hell of a lot more! It’s an immaculate triumph in one of the endless battles towards eternal glory! 

The venue for this 153rd Derby game is the Camp Nou, the Spiritual home of Spanish Football, the impervious fortress of FC Barcelona. The Camp Nou is not just a massive compilation of bricks put together. It represents the whole of Catalonia. It’s a place where 96,000 Catalans, each one of them passionately Anti-Madrid, come together. Although its always been a very close encounter with Madrid having a better record (68-58) stats, form, extra days rest, missing players, superstitions etc count for nothing more than a tiny rats ass!!!


With Ronaldinho offloaded to Milan and Deco sold to Chelsea, Barcelona will rely heavily on their charismatic Argentine, Lionel Messi. Their counterparts, Madrid, on the other hand will rely on their Dutch trio of Ruud, Sneijder and Van Der Vaart. Madrid may have had the better of the Catalans last season, but this time it’s a different Barcelona they will be facing! Pep Guardiola has instilled steel within the team which has seen them fight back on many occasions this season after going a goal down notably against Boca, Espanyol and Shakhtar.


The sun will set, the day will end and the curtains will be drawn on another Classico indeed! For us Catalans, anything less that 3 points will be a major disappointment, but it won’t blacken our spirits! Because deep

 inside we know, we have, what it takes, to beat the best, to be the best! Ole!!! Viva La Catalonia!!!

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